Designed by Malaria Experts

As malaria control programs shift to malaria elimination, case-based surveillance and rapid response systems become a key intervention. Most countries currently rely on aggregate weekly case reporting systems. Coconut Surveillance is a case-based surveillance and response system designed by malaria experts specifically for malaria elimination. 

Multiple Screening and Treatment Models

Countries implement several different strategies to identify symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria cases. Case screening and treatment protocols vary as programs seek the most effective methods. Coconut Surveillance supports passive case detection (cases reported by clinics), reactive case detection (RACD) at the household level, and active case detection (mass/focal screening and treatment.) It can be adapted to local response protocols and definitions.

Rapid Notification and Response

Alert mobile users so they can respond quickly to newly reported cases. Coconut Surveillance can be adapted to use existing malaria case notification systems, or can use its own interactive SMS system. Mobile users are notified automatically via SMS of each newly reported case in their assigned geographic area, and receive the information they needed to respond to each new case. 

Epidemic Detection

Set multiple epidemic alarm and alert threshold levels based on the number of malaria cases identified within a selected area (e.g. facility, village, district) and time period (days). Coconut Surveillance screen displays, SMS messages, and email messages notify users when epidemic thresholds are exceeded.

Mobile Decision Support

Mobile users are guided by Coconut Surveillance through the case investigation protocol. Each mobile user has offline access to all records as of the last synchronization with the shared database. This is important, since the same cases may be handled at different points and in different locations by different mobile users. Coconut Surveillance can also be configured to use the latest malaria transmission risk data to guide mobile users through a reactive or active surveillance protocol. 

Real-time Monitoring

Mobile users can work offline, and synchronize case records whenever a mobile or Wi-Fi network connection is available. Program managers use Coconut Surveillance web-based Analytics software to monitor the response to each case as data are synchronized. Built-in reports, graphs, and maps enable program managers to monitor the response against response protocol targets. Coconut Surveillance alerts managers and mobile users when case response times are behind targets.

Intervention Targeting

Mobile users geo-locate cases using the GPS capabilities of their mobile devices. Coconut Surveillance records GPS coordinates, altitude, and location accuracy. Program managers use Coconut Surveillance maps to visualize cases spatially and over time. Organizational boundaries (e.g. district, region) can be displayed with case data on detailed base maps and satellite imagery. Sliding-window heat maps can help reveal transmission hot spots and patterns.